OK, it's been a while since I've written a blog post. It's not that I haven't had anything interesting going on, I've just been busy. Let's catch up!
Here's what's been going on . . . I've been working on a quilt for Adrianna. My first quilt. Hand quilting, might I add. This is so addictive! I'm a get it done type person so I usually look for the quickest yet most effective way to do something. Not out of laziness mind you, just because I tend to try to tackle too many projects at once. However, I am completely enamored with learning how to do something the way my Grandmother and great Grandmother did.
This is the back of the quilt. I'm quilting the paisley pattern.
I did sew all the pieces for the quilt with my sewing machine but I am doing the quilting by hand. I planned to use my sewing machine to quilt it but was convinced by my friend who is teaching me to quilt to try doing it by hand. I'm still working on the quilt but it is turning out to be so pretty! I am already planning 2 more quilts. One for Ava and one for me!
The girls made Valentine's cards for their classes (both Pinterest inspired). . .
For Ava's class.
For Adrianna's class.
From Ava to me and Aaron. I asked her if she was writing a ransom note.
Aaron gave all his girls Reese's and took us to dinner.
This weekend we outfitted Adrianna with soccer gear to ready her for her 1st season of soccer. She is so excited!
please ignore the mess in the background. Aaron is putting my chair together for my crap craft room.
We've been working on the room for a while and I have dubbed it the crap room because for some reason it has accumulated tons of crap that doesn't belong there. We've tossed out several bags of trash and junk toys from the girls. I hate cleaning out stuff, I get overwhelmed and have anxiety attacks but I got in there one day last week and made tons of progress. Now I have to tackle a monstrosity of an entertainment center and turn it into storage for my craft room. I'll soon have before and after pictures. I hope.
Something else that is "new" is that I've been running with the Mebane New Runners Club. Yep, that's right, I've been running. If you know me then you know that I don't like to sweat. Well, you tend to sweat a lot when running. But guess what, I'm OK with that. I ran yesterday on a different route that was mostly an incline starting out. Big mistake! My legs were killing me by the time I got to the halfway point. Then I had to turn around and go downhill which was just as bad. Running downhill with tired legs is not as easy as it sounds. Anyway, I took today off because my legs were very sore this morning. I'm hoping for a good run tomorrow. Ava likes to run with me when she can and I love it. It gives us a chance to spend some time together and to talk.
While we were outfitting Adrianna with soccer gear I also picked up a few pieces to add to my running wardrobe. Hey, I still have to look nice when I run or it's no fun!
We've had crazy weather here. One day it's 70 degrees and the next day it snows!
I took this picture Sunday night.
The snow didn't last long but it was pretty. The past two days it has been really windy. The weather was beautiful yesterday until a little after lunch time. It was in the 70's for most of the day then the wind picked up and we had tornado watches in the afternoon. Today was cold and windy. I stayed inside.
I'm currently on book number 8 of the Stephanie Plum series by Janet Evanovich. These books are so fun to read. I'm also reading The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. Wow, this book is so good! I really don't like to read non-fiction or biographies all that much. I'm more of a fiction lover. BUT, if a non-fiction book has a great story to go with it and is written well then I'll read it. I do love history and like to read about the lives of people but if it is all dates and names and places with no story, I'm lost. This book is really well written and I highly recommend it!
Well, the girls and Aaron came home a little while ago from the Father/Daughter dance. Adrianna has been sitting with me while I type and she just conked out so I'm going to snuggle with her for a few more minutes then take her to bed. I'll have pics of the girls and Aaron from their date tomorrow!